IAR for ARM 7.70.1(附破解)


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IAR  for ARM  7.70.1(附破解)

Version 7.70.1

  • Support for the new IAR I-jet Trace for ARM Cortex-A/R/M debug trace probe
    I-jet Trace for ARM Cortex-A/R/M is a powerful probe providing extensive debugging and trace functionality for devices with the ARM CoreSight debug interface. It delivers large trace memory capacities and high-speed communication via USB 3.0 and trace clocks up to 350 MHz (double data rate). I-jet Trace supports ETM, PTM and SWO trace streams with up to 16 trace data lines for Cortex-A, Cortex-R, and Cortex-M devices using MIPI-20, MIPI-60, and Mictor-38 connectors. For more information see the I-jet Trace product page and the IAR Debug Probes User Guide.
  • Initial support for the new ARMv8-M architecture
    This release supports both the ARMv8-M Baseline and Mainline implementation. The ARMv8-M architecture is focused on bringing security to applications in the embedded and IoT market. For more information see the release notes for the compiler.
  • CADI for ARM Fastmodels
    The new CADI C-SPY debugger driver supports the ARM Fast Models hardware simulation technology.

IAR 快捷键列表 嵌入式开发

IAR 快捷键列表

*Ctrl+Shift+V 列出剪切板中所有的字符串供选择粘贴 Ctrl+B 智能选择光标所在括弧内的区域,多次使用可选更大的区域 Ctrl+T 对选择区域进行自动缩进 Ctrl+K 注释掉选择区域 ...
IAR更改代码字体 嵌入式开发


在IAR Option选项里,可供选择的字体太少,大多数还是不好看的。其实是可以通过配置文件调用所有系统字体的。如下: 首先在你的系统盘里找到这个文件,地址是: C:\Users\你的用户名\AppD...
IAR常用快捷键和使用小技巧 嵌入式开发


这篇文章主要是我在IAR使用过程中用到的一些很方便的快捷键和小技巧,方便自己查阅而使用。 1、复制和粘贴几行的部分代码 需求:有时候我们需要复制几行代码的后半部分,不需要复制前半部分。 方法:按住Al...